How do I place an order on the APP?
1. Log into your account on the Pharmacy2U App.
2. Press Order Medication
3. Press Add new medication (If you have already added your medication to your account move on to step )
4. Enter the name of your medication or Scan the medication barcode.
5. Select the correct medication name
6. Select the name, form and strength of your medication (this will add to your list and your order, you can click remove if you do not wish to order this item)
7. Repeat for any other required medications.
8. Select Add on all required medications, if you wish to order every item select Order all
9. Select Continue
10. SelectProceed to Check out
11. Confirmdelivery address
12. ClickPlace order (if you pay for medication you will need to click confirm and pay first)
Ordering early? Please tick the box at the bottom of the
list of medications so your GP is aware you are ordering early.