How does Pharmacy2U NHS repeat prescriptions work?
When you register with us you will automatically be set up for our free reminder service.
10 working days before your medication is due we will remind you to place your order. Depending on what type of surgery you are registered with you can place an order, online, on the App or directly with your GP.
The majority of orders we process do take 3 to 5 working days. however, as a distance home delivery Pharmacy, we do recommend requesting medication 10 working days in advance of needing. This will allow the time needed for your GP to send us your prescription, for us to process your order and for any unexpected delays.
Some surgeries do not allow any pharmacies to order on behalf of patients.
For more details click here.
Once your GP issues your prescription, we aim to dispense and dispatch your items within 2-3 working days of receiving this.
To register to use our service click here.
Already registered? Click here to find out how to set up your medication list and place your 1st order.